Welcome to Silent Conversations. My name is Martha Knowles. As the creator of this site, I write the articles and draw the illustrations. The purpose of Silent Conversations is to give prominence to some of the vital foundations for understanding dogs and their behaviour. My aim is to empower dog guardians to become advocates for their dogs by being able to interpret what they are communicating. Awareness of what a dog is saying will allow the guardian to provide appropriate support and understanding as well as make choices for their dog with confidence. Recently, I have also created Silent Canine Conversations, LLC to provide further educational content relating to dog communication and behaviour.
I have always had a passion for rescue dogs and have spent over a decade volunteering at dog shelters. I have a particularly soft spot for the dogs that are shyer, reactive or misunderstood. Although I have grown up with many family dogs, and a dog at my side at all times, it was only in adulthood that my true education of dog behaviour began. After a period of moving continents and working long hours as a designer, it was apparent that life was different without a dog in the household. This is when I made the decision to volunteer at my local shelter in my spare time. The volunteer work at shelters exposed me to a variety of dogs, some of them very stressed, displaying a diversity of behaviours that could be easily misunderstood. This influenced me to seek further education in dog behaviour.
A small but valuable book titled ‘On Talking Terms with Dogs: Calming Signals’, written by Turid Rugaas, appeared in my life at just the right time. The book revealed knowledge of dog body language and communication, inspiring my journey for further exploration. Understanding the communication displayed via body language, and interpreting how the dog was actually feeling, allowed me to address the underlying cause of the behaviour rather than focusing on controlling the surface symptoms.
Seeking to see Turid speak in person, I attended a Turid Rugaas seminar at which I was introduced to Sheila Harper, who was hosting Turid at the time. After attending a few Sheila Harper Ltd shorter courses, I soon realized she was offering unique insights that would not be gained anywhere else. I attended Sheila’s International Dog Behaviour and Training School (IDBTS – now known as IPACS), taking part in practical and theoretical study over a period of a year and a half. To complete the course, I submitted a body of work to attain Level 4 OCN independently accredited qualification in Canine Behaviour, Communication and Well Being. During this period, I was working full time, studying, helping with a puppy class in the evenings, and assisting a reactive dog social walk class on weekends.
I now reside in the United States and have finally met my match, falling in love with an elderly Chihuahua mix from a shelter. I currently still volunteer at a shelter in my spare time in the role of a behaviour evaluation assistant.